Module Configuration
Go to Admin Panel > Venusthemes > Settings:
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Go to Admin Panel > Venusthemes > Settings:
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General Settings
Enabled Menu on Frontend: If you choose Yes the menu will be shown up at the frontend
Show menu block title: If choose Yes, the Title menu will be show up at the frontend
Default menu profile on frontend: default is top-menu
Enable Auto Backup Tool: If choose Yes, Allow backup a menu version after save menu
PWA Megamenu Profile Alias: Require setup Megamenu GraphQl, Enable Cache, Enable Cache File: If choose Yes, Cache will be enable
Enable Check Mobile Device When Generate Menu On Frontend: If choose Yes, will be check mobile device when generate menu on frontend
Use Different mobile menu structure: If choose Yes, Disable the option to reduce DOM tags when use other device
Enable Admin Ajax Load Catalog Categories: Allow load list catalog categories via ajax when edit menu on backend
Disable menu title attribute: If choose No, disable menu title attribute on frontend
Custom Css on frontend: Allows custom menus in to fontend