Configure menu item
Configure Menu
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Configure Menu
Last updated
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I will show you how to config magento 2 menu with our magento 2 megamenu extension. Please follow our tutorials step by step.
A menu item have 8 tabs:
General Information
Left Block
Main Content
Right Block
Bottom Block
Before configuring all item settings, we need to check a structure of each menu item
Name: Title of the menu item, such as Home, Women, Men, etc…
Link Type: There are 2 link types:
Custom Link: Enter your custom link, this field supports Magento 2 short code: {{store url=”contact”}} =>
Category Link: render link by specific category
Link Target: There are 4 options:
Load in a new window
Load in the same frame as it was clicked
Load in the parent frameset
Load in the full body of the window
Show Icon: Upload a icon for this item, then update icon position
Is Group: Set Yes to allow Sub-menu items show in the same level of parent without hover on parent to show them.
Disable Dimesions: Enter the width(pixel) want to disable, menu will be hidden when screen width less than the field value
Bootstrap 3 Media Query Breakpoints:
Large Devices, Wide Screens: 1200px
Medium Devices, Desktops: 992px
Small Devices, Tablets: 768px
Extra Small Devices, Phones: 480px
IPhone Retina: 320px
Status: You can enable or disable this item
Width: Set width for menu item dropdown. Fx: 1000px, 100%
Animation In: Dropdown appearance effect. There are 9 groups and 44 effects
Animation Time: Set total time of effect.
Alignment: There four alignment types for the menu content to appear
From left menu: menu dropdown content will appear from the left of menu bar to the right
From right menu: menu dropdown content will appear from the right of menu bar to the left
From left item: menu dropdown content will appear from the left of menu item
From right item: menu dropdown content will appear from the right of menu item
From right item: menu dropdown content will appear from the right of menu item
Background Options: background color, background image, background repeat, background position x, background position y
Inline CSS: Add custom code css for this item.
Header: Default width is 100%.
Left Block: Supports Wysiwyg editor, you can insert HTML code, Video(youtube, ,…), Magento widget,etc
Main Content: There are four content types
Child Menu Item: Display menu item in the menu editor section
Content: Supports Wysiwyg editor: insert HTML code, Video(youtube, vimeo,…), Magento widget
Dynamic Content Tab: Each item as a tab, the first tab is default active
Sub-Categories: Show all sub-categories by specific category
Right Block: Change block width. Fx: 100%, 400px. Supports Wysiwyg editor
Bottom Block: Default width is 100%. Supports Wysiwyg editor
Design: Customize the style of menu item: color, background color,…