Create New Megamenu Profile
Create New Menu
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Create New Menu
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In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a menu in magento 2 easily with drag n drop features and visual interface.
Firstly, Go to Back-end > Venustheme > Mega Menu > Add New Menu
There are two tabs: General Settings, Menu Editor (for normal version, PRO version is more advanced)
Edit menu profile (Normal Version):
Edit menu profile (Pro Version):
Name: Title of the menu, such as Top menu, Vertical menu,
Alias: You can display menus that have the same alias for different stores
Event: There are two options
Hover: Used to create Horizontal menu, Vertical Menu
Click: Used to create Tree menu, Accordion menu
Scroll to Fixed: Allow this menu fixed on the top page when scroll over menu position:
Additional Class: Add custom classes for wrapper tag of megamenu on frontend
Disable Dimensions: Enter the width(pixel) want to disable this menu. The menu will be remove when your screen width less than this value
Bootstrap 3 Media Query Breakpoints:
Large Devices, Wide Screens: 1200px
Medium Devices, Desktops: 992px
Small Devices, Tablets: 768px
Extra Small Devices, Phones: 480px
iPhone Retina: 320px
This tab allows manage menu items and edit option as your like.