How To Create A New Form
Admin Panel > LandOfCoder > Add New Form
Last updated
Admin Panel > LandOfCoder > Add New Form
Last updated
Form Information
Form Title: define title of your new form
Identifier: define URL link for the form
Receive Notification: please add your email address which you want to receive notification when customers submit form
Email Template: Choose email template you want to send
Submit Button Text: Add Text for ” Submit Button” here.
Show reCaptcha: Select Yes to show reCaptcha
Show on TopLink: Select Yes to show Toplink
Customer Groups: Choose customer groups to show new form
Store View: Choose store view in which you show new form
Status: Select “Enable” to make your new form public
Form Content
In this part, you can insert messages that show “before form” and “after form” position as well as successful submission message.
Form Creator
In this section, you can freely create your form. Firstly select suitable form field as you want, then edit the field as below
Form Field
Google Map
Model Dropdowns
Label: Put title of this form field here
Color: Choose color for the title
Font Size(px): Input font size for the title
Font Style: Choose Font Style for the title
Font Weight: Input Font Weight for the title
Place Holder: input placeholder text here
Wrapper width: select column width here( max: 12)
Field width: select field width here
Icon : Choose icon that appears in the form field
Border: Input desired border width
Style: select desired border styles here
Radius: input border radius here
Color: Text: input text color here
Background: input background color here
Length Limit: Set min/ max for characters or word in the field content.
Validation: Choose type of content validation here The following form field is pretty much straightforward with the options names speaking for themselves. You can config as we did above.
Page Title: Type your post title that will be shown at the top of it;
Keywords: Set keyword for your post
Description: Write meta description that will be shown on search engine results
Page Layout: Layout display in frontend
CSS: Seller can update color, background color, hover color to form