How to use modal dropdown field?
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The module support display dynamic dropdown list. You can define model dropdown fields in the form as this:
Model Field 1 >> Model Field 2 >> Model Field 3
Choose option of Model Field 1 will get list option of Model Field 2.
Choose option of Model Field 2 will get list options of Model Field 3.
Ex: choose model dropdown list steps by steps
Model >> Mechine Type >> Rim Size >> Speed Rating
To make the field please follow as steps:
Step1: Create model categories:
We should create parent model categories before, then create children:
Create model category item “Model”
Create model category item “Machine Type”, and set parent item = “Model”
Create model category item “Rim Size”, and set parent item = “Machine Type”
Create model category item “Speed Rating”, and set parent item = “Rim Size”
Step2: Create model items:
We should create parent model item before, then create children:
Create item for Category “Model” before:
Dimension Serie – Category = “Model”
Create item is child of Dimension Serie:
SST1200es – Category = “Mechine Type”
Create item is child of SST1200es:
Demo Rim Size 1 – Category = “Rim Size”
Create item is child of Demo Rim Size 1:
Demo speed testing 1 – Category = “Speed Test”
Then we will have a parent – children data tree as this:
Dimension Serie >> SST1200es >> Demo Rim Size 1 >> Demo speed testing 1
Model >> Mechine Type >> Rim Size >> Speed Rating
Step3: Config Form Field
Edit the form builder profile
Open tab “Form Creator”
Add form field type “Model dropdown”
Config field type as this:
And config other options as you want.
Note: should add Data Model Categories by order Parent before then Children. Model >> Machine Type >> Rim Size >> Speed Rating