Module Configuration
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In this tutorial, I will show you how to Configure Reward Points Extension in magento 2. Let’s take a look at our tutorials below.
Now, it is time for us to set up points in your Magento 2 backend
Firstly, it is highly suggested to run through setting before creating your first reward points. This will help you better understand how the extension work; simultaneously, you can take use of all setting to create your reward points program look and feel as your expectation
In order to config in the backend, please go to Admin Panel > Stores > Configuration > LandOfCoder > Reward Points > General Setting
Enable: Set Yes to enable Reward Points Extension:
Points Label: Let it empty if you want to show the default label ‘Points’
Point Image: Upload point icon here
Use Reward Policy Page: Set ” Yes” to show Reward Point Policy Page
Round Method: You can choose round down or round up to reduce or increase a number to the nearest whole number, or the nearest number ending in zero
Points expiry date: Set the date on which point can no longer be used.
Approve earned points on invoice: Set Yes to allow points to be earned during invoice process
Approve earned points on shipment: Set Yes to allow points to be earned during shipping process
Maximum earning points per order: Set maximum points could be earned for each order. If empty or zero, there is no limitation
Allow to earn points from tax: Set yes to allow customer to earn point both from products and tax fee
Allow to earn points from shipping fee: Set yes to allow customer to earn point both from products and shipping fee
Allow to spend points from tax: Set yes to allow customer to spend points for their purchased products and tax fee
Allow to spend points from shipping fee: Set yes to allow the customer to spend points for their purchased products and shipping fee
Email Sender: Choose sender here
Balance update email: When there are any changes, you can choose one of the email templates to send email notification for your customers
Before Points expire email: Notification email will be sent before point expiry date.
Send notification before points expiring ( by day): Define how many days you want to send the notification before points expire in.
Points Expired Email: Notification email will be sent on point expiry date