How To Create Point Earning Rates
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Please choose ” Add New Rate” to create new earning rate
A. General Setting
Rule Name: define name of your new point rate
Description: You can add the description that shows the purpose of the rule, and explain how it is used.
From : Set “From” date
To: Set “To” date
Customer Groups: choose customer groups here
Priority: define number to set priority here
Status: Choose active to enable rating
B. Action: In this part, you can choose various earning rating types as below
Give X points to customer: you can fix point given for product
Give X points for every spent Y: For example: for example, “10 points for every $5 spent”.
Points (X) = 10 points Money Step (Y) = $5
Give X points as product final price:
For instance, if you set points (X) = 30, it means that the customers get 30 points only when product price is equal or over $30
Give X% points of original price: Give % according to product price.
Points (X): Set number of given point here Money Step (Y): define how much money customer spend to get that points Maximum Points Earned: You can limit the number of points earned for each product top Further Rules Processing: Set Yes to let this point rating run first
Please go to Admin Panel > Reward Points > Earning > Product Earning Points
In this section, it is very easy to add Product and give them the number of points as you want. All you need is choose the product & insert point number you want to give