Manage Recommendation Rules
Create Rule with exists questions
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Create Rule with exists questions
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Go to admin > Catalog > Lof Step Recommendation > Rule
Add New Rule
After choose questions, then click on save rule to next step
Result type: You only can input product sku or category Id, redirect link query, cms block id for each record. Can not input them together.
You can input multiple product sku by use comma. Example: SKU1,SKU2,SKU3,...
Category id: input category id (number)
product sku: input one or multiple product skus (string)
Redirect Link: input with format: query=query-identifier (query-identifier is redirect link query which you added in admin > catalog > Lof StepRecommendation > Redirect Link)
CMS Block Id: input cms block identifier as the format: block=block-identifier (block-identifier is cms block identifier)
After input for all, please click on save rule
Note: If you change list questions or sorting questions, delete exists questions, the rule will been generated the list combined answers (result records) again.