Module Configuration
Admin Panel > MKP RMA > Settings
Last updated
Admin Panel > MKP RMA > Settings
Last updated
General Settings
Default Return Address: Default address of returned goods.
Show RMA section in Customer Account: Display RMA in the customer account section.
Default status: Default status of the customer-generated return.
Enable RMA for Guest: Display the RMA to the customer account.
Ask to confirm shipping: Allow delivery confirmation.
RMA Policy
Request only shipped products: If the order has only been partially shipped, then only the shipped items will be available for the RMA.
Ask to agree with RMA policy text: Ask the customer to agree to the agreement.
Frontend RMA Fields Settings
Enable reason field: Enable reason field
Enable Condition field: Enable condition field
Enable Resolution fields: Enable resolution field
Email Notification Settings
Email sender: Select sender
Customer Notification Email Template: Choose template customer notification
RMA Seller Notification Email Template: Choose template RMA Seller notification
RMA manager notification Template: Choose template RMA manager notification
Rule notification template: Choose template Rule notification
Send Blind carbon copy (BCC) of all email to: Type blind carbon copy of all email