Manage RMA Return
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Manage RMA
This feature brings to Magento store owners an incredible helping hand in managing and reviewing RMA requests.
With it, you can keep track of all the requests in one place only.
Moreover, if you’re running a multi seller store, you can see all the RMA requests in store view or on the website, easily and conveniently.
Create RMA
Manage RMA Status
Create RMA status
General Information:
Title: Title of the new status.
Code: Unique internal code for the status.
Sort Order: Sorting order (used for displaying in drop-down menu)
Is Active: Whether current reason is visible on RMA creation and edit page.
Show shipping: Show shipping buttons 'Print RMA Packing Slip', 'Print RMA Shipping Label' and 'Confirm Shipping' in the customer account
Customer message: Type message customer
History message: Type message history
Admin message: Type message admin
Manage RMA Return Reason
Create return reason
Title: Title of the reason.
Sort Order: Sorting order (used for displaying in drop-down menu)
Is Active: Whether current reason is visible on RMA creation and edit page.
Manage Item Conditions
Create item conditions
Title: Title of the condition.
Sort Order: Sorting order (used for displaying in drop-down menu)
Is Active: Whether current condition is visible on RMA creation and edit page.
Manage Resolutions
When a customer submits an RMA, it can mark which service he would select - for example, exchange or refund. Typically, these two are enough to create reliable return service, but sometimes you need extended resolutions
Different kinds of refund, or even repair service. Our extension allows you to create as many possible return resolution, as your policy needs.
Create Resolution
Title: Title of the condition.
Sort Order: Sorting order (used for displaying in drop-down menu)
Is Active: Whether current condition is visible on RMA creation and edit page.
Manage Custom Fields
Custom fields are powerful instruments to boost your return services, especially when you have defined additional resolutions.
You can use them to store additional information about RMA. For example, when a customer confirms the shipment of an RMA package, you can use custom fields to get additional information about the shipment (like carrier, tracking number).
Create custom field
Title: Title of the field.
Code: A unique internal code of the field.
Type: Field type, which defines and controls elements will be used for entering values. The following types are possible
Active: If this option is enabled, the custom field is active.
Sort Order: Displays the sequence of the fields.
Is required for staff: If this option is enabled, an agent is required to fill in this field.
Is required for customers: If this option is enabled, a customer is required to fill in this field.
Visible for customers in statuses: This option allows you to show the field to customers only in specified statuses of RMA.
Is show in confirm shipping dialog: If this option is enabled, this field will be shown in the confirm shipping dialog.
Is editable for customers: If this option is enabled, customers can enter a value to this field.
Manage Quick Responses
Quick responses, created in this section, will appear on the RMA edit page, in the add message block - where the drop-down widget option Insert quick response will appear.
Create quick responses
Title: Title of the field.
Is Active: Enables or disables current quick response.
Template: Text of quick response. This text will be inserted into reply fields. You can use following variables:
Stores: Store views where you can use this quick response. If you have several languages, you need to have different quick responses for different store views.
Manage Workflow Rules
Create workflow rules
General Information
Rule Name: Name of this particular rule
Active: Whether this rule is active.
Is Stop Processing: Used, when multiple rules are bound to the same event. If this option is on, other rules with the same or lower priority won't be triggered at all.
This section breaks into two blocks.
At the event block settings you can set the required RMA event condition:
New RMA has been created
RMA has been changed
New reply from customer
New reply from staff
RMA actions will be executed when conditions are met.
Currently, only two actions are supported:
Set Status: Sets new status for the RMA
Set Owner: Sets new owner for the RMA
Other actions are planned for adding in upcoming releases.
Send RMA Manager: If option is enabled, the current email will be sent to RMA owner
Send email to the customer: If option is enabled, the current the email will be sent to the customer
Send email to other email addresses: Allow you to send emails to additional addresses
Email subject: Email subject
Email body: Text of the email can be used to email template variables. For more information about variables.
Manage Return Address
Create Return Address
Title: Title of the new return address.
Sort Order: Display the sequence of the fields.
Active: If this option is enabled, the custom field is active