How to custom layout xml and template?

To override the module on your custom theme you should create the folder module in your custom theme folder as this:

app/design/frontend/[Vendor Theme]/[Theme Name]/Ves_ImageSlider

Then copy there files and folders in folder: app/code/Ves/ImageSlider/view/frontend/ Then paste into the folder β€œVes_ImageSlider” on your custom theme folder.

1. Config layout xml

  • Edit the file β€œapp/code/Ves/ImageSlider/view/frontend/layout/default.xml”

  • The content code of the file:

  • <page xmlns:xsi=""
    		<css src="Ves_ImageSlider::css/owl.carousel.min.css" />
    		<css src="Ves_ImageSlider::css/animate.css" />
    		<referenceContainer name="before.body.end">
    			<block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="imageslider.js" template="Ves_ImageSlider::js.phtml" />
  • The module are calling 2 css files:

  • <css src="Ves_ImageSlider::css/owl.carousel.min.css" />
    <css src="Ves_ImageSlider::css/animate.css" />

If you want to remove there css files you just need add code in layout xml as this:

<remove src="Ves_ImageSlider::css/owl.carousel.min.css" />
<remove src="Ves_ImageSlider::css/animate.css" />

2. Custom template

  • Edit the file β€œapp/code/Ves/ImageSlider/view/frontend/templates/widget/slides.phtmlβ€œ

  • The file β€œapp/code/Ves/ImageSlider/view/frontend/templates/js.phtml” to init owl carousel js to run image slider.

Last updated