Setup Module
At now the module just support setup via FTP and run magento 2 commands
To install Magento 2 OneStepCheckout extension, please follow below instructions step by step:
Download new module file on our site and upload right module version for magento 2 version of your site via FTP client (firezilla)
Run magento 2 commands:
php bin/magento module:enable Ecomteck_Core Ecomteck_OneStepCheckout Ecomteck_OneStepCheckoutCompatible Ecomteck_OrderComment Ecomteck_DeliveryDate
php bin/magento setup:upgrade --keep-generated
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento cache:clean
Or go to Back-end > System > Cache Management. Click the following buttons to completely clear the store cache:
Flush Cache
Flush Cache Storage
Flush Catalog Images Cache
Flush Javascripts/CSS cache
Note: If you have problem about geoip lib was not installed. Please run there composer commands to setup there required lib:
If you setup composer for libs completely, you should delete custom lib extension on your site. Please disable the lib extension as following: â Edit the file âapp/etc/config.phpâ then find code:
âEcomteck_OneStepCheckoutLibâ => 1,
delete it or change to:
âEcomteck_OneStepCheckoutLibâ => 0,
and delete folder:
Then run commands:
Last updated