Go to Admin Panel > MarketPlace > Configuration
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Go to Admin Panel > MarketPlace > Configuration
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General Settings
Enabled: Enabled/disabled this feature.
Seller List Url: Seller list url in admin.
Change lof marketPlace Url on Login Page: url on marketplace login page.
Enable Seller Rating: Enabled/Disabled seller rating.
Rating Approval Required: Enabled/Disabled rating approval.
Limit number of ratings for same customer (default = 0): Input number to limit ratings for same customer or same email address. Empty or 0 is unlimited.
Require customer purchased seller products: Enable it to allow only customers who purchased seller's products can rating for this seller.
Require Customer Logged In for Rating: Enable to require customer logged in before rating for seller.
Allow Customer Plus, Minus, Report for a Review Rating: Enable will allow logged in customer set plus, minus, report for a seller review rating.
Rating Sorting By: Allows to sort by a certain category.
Seller Approval Required: Required seller approval.
Auto assign Seller Account to all stores: Enabled the option to auto assign sellers that can sell on all stores of the current website. Disabled to assign seller account to current store view.
Allow Become a Seller: Choose "Yes" to show the become seller menu on the customer dashboard.
Become a Seller Page With Full Information: Choose "Yes" to show full information for the seller. By default, only one url key.
Show Total Sales: Choose "Yes" to show total sales of the seller on frontend.
Seller Settings
Need Admin to approve new product: Enabled/Disabled required admin to approve new products.
Need Admin to approve product when editing: Enabled/Disabled editing products
Commission Based On: Set a commission for the seller.
Seller Product Commission(%): Set the default commission for sellers if you don't use commissions in Admin Dashboard > MarketPlace > Seller > Manage Commissions.
Calculate Commission Products in Cart: Set which products are calculated commission in cart. Default: Only Parent Products.
Allow Add Virtual Product: Sellers can add the virtual products.
Allow Use Mass Import/Export: Sellers can use mass import/export features.
Allow Use Mass Upload Images: Sellers can use mass upload images features.
Allowed Social Networks: Sellers can use social network features.
Allow Seller Withdraw Request: Sellers can request withdrawal.
Group Seller
Enable Group Seller: Enable/Disable group seller feature.
Available Group Seller: Only selected group sellers can be display in registration seller page
Available Countries
Enable Available Countries: Choose Yes will turn on apply to countries
Select available countries: Only customers have country in this list can register to become seller
Sales Settings
Can Send Email: Allow to send email.
Email admin: Set email admin.
Can Cancel Order: Allow to cancel order.
Can Create Invoice: Allow to create invoice.
Can Create Ship: Allow to create a ship.
Can Create Refund: Allow to create refund.
Seller Panel
Favicon Icon: Choose a logo for the brand
RTL Layout: Enabled/Disabled RTL Seller Dashboard
Email Settings
Enable Send Email: Allow to send email
Enable Send Email to Admin when Seller Create New Product: Send notification email to admin when seller create new product
Enable Send Email to Admin when Seller Edit Product: Send notification email to admin when seller edit product
Seller Info On Product View Page
Enabled Seller Block: Allow to show seller block
Seller List Page
Layout: Display style of the page
Show Seller Name: Allow to display seller name in product detail page
Number Seller Per Page: Number of product displayed in a page
Seller Profile Page
Show Seller Group Name: Show Seller Group Name in the breadcrumbs
Group Page
API Settings
Show Seller Email Address: Choose "Yes" to show email address on REST API.
Show Seller Phone: Choose "Yes" to show phone number on REST API.