Manage Private Catalog
Enable private catagories, private products and allow access for membership plan
Last updated
Enable private catagories, private products and allow access for membership plan
Last updated
The feature allow admin config private categories, private products and allow membership user can access on them or not.
Edit category and enable option "Is membership private access"
Edit product, enable option "Is membership private access"
Edit membership group, choose private categories, choose private products which users of this group can access.
On frontend if customer/user view private category page, it will show as this (for hide price, add to cart option):
It require upgrade membership then can see price, add to cart
When normal user access private product detail page (with option hide price, add to cart), it will show as this:
If we use option hide items, when access the private category page or private product page, it will return 404 page not found.